Lesson 3
Lesson 3: Ideal Conditions

Rich talks about what is meant by, Ideal Conditions, in Lesson 3. Choosing the right conditions to bring your child to the snow is really crucial to put a lasting impression on them. Children can get scarred or traumatized very easily, so making sure the conditions are suitable for them is one way to ensure their safety and happiness on the hill. Make sure to check the weather at your local hill to make sure its not going to be a blizzard or other extreme weather.
IMHO the snowboarding thing is a trend . a very long trend. Ultimately, you just can’t ride a moutnain on a snowboard like you can on skiis. Bumps just don’t run the same and skiing the trees just isn’t as fun. Long groomers boards may have an advantage but who wants to be on a groomer. Give the kids some time and we will all be back on skiis.